Bye bye cold

I’m totally ready to say goodbye to the cold: its temperatures, its light, its colours and its foods. Nothing more seasonal than foods. Bye bye sweet potato fries that made my evenings so amazingly memorable. Bye bye purple soupe a l’oignon, excessively creamy irresistibly buttery. Bye bye orange butternut squash. You are my favourite colour. Bye bye green broccoli soup. Actually, I might not let you … Continue reading Bye bye cold

Spiced banana bread

Last summer (oh, summer!) El Hombre and I were invited to some friends wedding. We had a great time with the newly weds and other guests (specially the dancing time…) and as a wedding favour, we got a lovely spiced banana bread recipe!

I had very ripe bananas at home waiting to be eaten so I decided to make this recipe at last. If you have the same problem, find here a solution!

spiced banana bread.jpg
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